Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Former LAPD detective, whistleblower, activist and publisher of 'From The Wilderniss' Michael Ruppert presents the method for and conclusions in his book 'Crossing the Rubicon; the Decline of American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.'

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  1. Amazing. Thnx for posting these, Freek. I have not had the time and some of the speakers are a little over my head, but this was really interesting. I've read and heard a lot of 9/11 truthers, I'll have to research this guy a bit more, he seems pretty solid.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. If you want to get into what Ruppert is all about, I'd check out his website even though it's not being updated anymore, and look at his January 2005 speech in Seattle, where he tries to lay out a map of world geopolitics:

    His style here is a little dramatic as Bush was just reelected, and sometimes he is smug about being right before, but he predicted the 2008 oil shortage and collapse of the bubble economy perfectly, among many other things. Definitely worthwhile.
