Thursday, 16 April 2009

Proposal to Visitors

After having posted for six weeks now on Synthesiser, I suspect returning readers have got a taste of what this blog is about. Taking a few steps back from the news to really understand the important underlying causes. Obviously you can't do that on your own, so I've been looking around for good documentaries, interviews, online lectures, important news items that portend something bigger, and writing articles whenever I feel I have something good to say.

But I would also love this page to be an interactive community of people with common interests. If you are a returning visitor who finds this page has some value or could use some other perspectives, please get into contact with me about tips, links, book reviews, short articles or important news items. If you think you'll stay motivated and can write proper English, there is a possibility of co-editorship.

So send an email or comment below this topic if you think it's a good idea to make this blog a little more interactive.

Thanks for visiting!


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1 comment:

  1. I think it's a great idea. I tend to lean on the creative side when doing my own blog, occasionally posting news stories I find of interest. I'll try to send you anything I find may be of interest. My blog:
    Check this out:
