Video: Capitalist Equilibrium?
Part 2
For quite some time I have been following the clear and rich explanations of Marxian concepts and ideas by Brendan Cooney. He is well versed in classical economics and Marxian value theory and very adapt in communicating these in such a way that most people can understand it. On top of that, he takes his time every few weeks to make a professional and engaging video using his own scripts to deal with another major perspective or concept using classic cartoons. The scripts and more can be found at Brendan describes his motivation for making his video's in these words:
"In times of crisis the law of value asserts itself with violence. My videos deal with the nature of value in a capitalist society, how this value is expressed, and what contradictions grow from it."
I seriously recommend anyone who seeks a more profound understanding of the present economic systems to check out the resource Brendan is building up.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Brendan Cooney: Marxian Economics and Philosophy
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Documentary on Pierre Bourdieu - Sociology is a Martial Art
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Pierre's Bourdieu's forty books and countless articles represent probably some of the the most influential renovations and applications of social science in the twentieth century. The highly influential and controversial intellectual - a longtime Professor of Sociology at the College de France - passed away in January 2002.
A "committed" thinker in the vein of Foucault, his work is concerned with elucidating the processes of symbolic violence and cultural domination in various areas of social life. His most well known book, Distinction (1979), addressed these themes in an effort to overcome the opposition of objectivist (Marxist) and subjectivist (Weberian) theories of class. Click here for more books by Bourdieu.
In the late nineties he became something of a celebrity scholar, one of the world's most important academics actively associated with the anti-globalization movement. Bourdieu himself argued that scholars and writers could and should bring their specialized knowledge to bear on social and political issues. His powerful critiques of the neoliberal revolution were the natural outgrowth of a lifetime of research into economic, social and cultural class domination among peoples as disparate as Algerian peasants and French professors, and as expressed in everything from amateur photography to posture.
SOCIOLOGY IS A MARTIAL ART, a new documentary about Bourdieu's life, became an unexpected hit in France just prior to his death. Filmed over three years, director Pierre Carles' camera follows Bourdieu as he lectures, attends political rallies, travels, meets with his students, staff, and research team in Paris, and includes Bourdieu having a conversation with Günter Grass.
The film's very title stresses the degree of Bourdieu's political engagement. He took on the mantle of Emile Zola and Jean-Paul Sartre in French public life, slugging it out with politicians because he considered those lucky enough to have spent their lives studying the social world could not be indifferent to the struggle for justice.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Blackwater Mercenary Captain Erik Prince Charged with Murder?
There was a news item all over the Indymedia (2.0) landscape and on MSNBC the last days that is too good to miss. In sworn statements of his own employee at Blackwater (currently renamed as Xe), the sole owner of the high-end mercenary company Erik Prince has been accused of murdering, or assisting in the murder of US state officials involved in the pending investigations into Blackwater. Erik Prince now faces the possibility of criminal prosecution for murder. Jeremy Scahill writes in The Nation that "The former employee also alleges that Prince 'views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe', and that Prince's companies 'encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life.'"
In his 2007 book 'Blackwater, The rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army', Scahill describes the vast amount of crimes committed by this new privatised form of military forces. As just a few examples, in the aftermath of Katrina, Prince sent out his private army forces into Louisiana 24 hours before getting an official contract from the US government, and before the imposition of martial law in the state of Louisiana. Blackwater forces in Iraq have long been above either US or Iraqi law, making the mercenaries effectively free from any kind of criminal prosecution. US contracts with Blackwater in Afghanistan have only increased since Obama's presidency. Hopefully, this story will serve to renew public interest into this terrifying phenomenon.
Honduran Coup and US Ambiguity
This Real News broadcast features an illuminating report from Forrest Hylton on the attitude of the US towards the coup in Honduras. "The silence from Washington over the past month of human rights abuses from the de facto Honduran government becomes deafening when one considers that the US government holds both the ability to bring that regime down as well as a recent history of criticizing similar abuses in Iran. Groups inside the US have taken up the call to pressure the government into taking the action required by US law in addressing a military coup. Forrest Hylton is the author of Evil Hour in Colombia (Verso, 2006), and with Sinclair Thomson, co-author of Revolutionary Horizons: Past and Present in Bolivian Politics (Verso, 2007). He is a regular contributor to New Left Review and NACLA Report on the Americas."
With the Hondoran coup reminiscent of the dark days of the 70's and 80's in Latin America now over five weeks old, tensions are high inside the country itself and finally rising in international politics. The legitimate president Zelaya is trying all avenues to restore democracy, from the International Criminal Court to mobilising his people. While most countries have officially denounced the coup, apparently including president Obama who said he would follow the lead of the Organisation of American States (OAS) in opposing the coup regime. However, US foreign secretary Hillary Clinton has no use for the word coup. Using this word carries legal implications under US law to stop all aid to Honduras and recall the US Ambassador. Since the coup regime hired Lanny Davis, who served as White House counsel for President Bill Clinton, and Bennet Ratcliff, a public relations specialist with ties to former President Bill Clinton, Hillary has started to denounce president Zelaya as 'reckless' for trying to return to his country. According to Clinton, Zelaya would do better to simply keep negotiating with the 'current government'.
As news on Honduras is somewhat harder to come by than on Iran, I thought I'd post some links to good starting points for further research into what is happening in Honduras right now. I found some overviews of news on Honduras from the Real News and Democracy Now, who did several exclusive interviews with Zelaya and his wife. The archives of The Nation Magazine and also proved interesting sources of information.
Interactivity on Synthesiser
After having posted for several months now on Synthesiser, I suspect returning readers have got a taste of what this blog is about: taking a few steps back from the news to really understand the important underlying predicaments of our time to focus, inform and enable grass roots activism. Obviously you can't do that successfully on your own, so I've been looking around for documentaries, interviews, online lectures, articles and important news items that portend something bigger, and writing articles whenever I have the time or feel I have something good to say.
But I would also love this page to be an interactive community of people with common interests. If you are a returning visitor who feels this blog has some value or could use some other perspectives, please get into contact with me about tips, links, book reviews, short articles or important news items. You can also help spread the word by using the email button below all posts to share posts you felt were particularly interesting. If you think you'll stay motivated and can write proper English, there is a possibility of co-editorship.
So send an email or comment below this topic if you think it's a good idea to make this blog a little more interactive.
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Minqi Li: Marxism and Limits to Growth, Capitalism with Zero Profit Rate?
In this short presentation, University of Utah economist Minqi Li ties together Marxian economics, in particular the theory of capitalist crisis and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and the perspective of the limits to growth. As regular visitors of this blog might have guessed, this seemed to me quite interesting. I tried to improve the sound of the original video so people might hear better.
Part 2 Part 3
Minqi Li's abstract of the paper presented in November 2006, at the Social Structure of Accumulation Conference in Ireland:
"Capitalism is a socio-economic system that rests upon the endless pursuit of profit and capital accumulation. However, after centuries of relentless capitalist accumulation, resource depletion and environmental crisis have reached the advanced stage. The paper discusses the depletion of fossil fuels, the likely effects of various renewable energies and nuclear energy on future energy supply, the limits to improvement in energy efficiency, and the depletion of other resources. It relates the limits to growth to Marx’s hypothesis on the “law of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall.” It can be established that if the growth rate falls towards zero, then either the profit rate or the net investment has to fall towards zero. The coming crisis may be seen as the expression of the conflict between the “productive forces” and the “existing relations of production”. The historical constraints and possibilities for the post-capitalist society are discussed."
Minqi Li was born in January 1969 in Beijing, China. He studied at Beijing University between 1987 and 1990 and participated in the 1989 student movement. Between 1990 and 1992 he was a political prisoner. After 1989, he rejected the bourgeois liberal ideology and moved towards revolutionary marxism. He came to the United States in 1994 and received Ph.D. in economics from University of Massachusetts Amherst in 2002. He taught political science in York University, Canada from 2003 to 2006 and since July 2006 he has been teaching economics at the University of Utah. Minqi Li is the author of The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy.
Recent publicly available articles:
Capitalism with Zero Profit Rate?: Limits to Growth and the Law of the Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall (University of Utah Department of Economics Working Paper Series, May 2007)
The United States, China, Peak Oil, and the Demise of Neoliberalism (Monthly Review, April 2008)
Climate Change, Limits to Growth, and the Imperative for Socialism (Monthly Review, July-August 2008)
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Nate Hagens: Umbrella View of Resource Depletion & Human Behaviour
Talk by Nate Hagens of University of Vermont on Resource Depletion, Energy Supply, peakoil, Energy Demand, Human Behaviour and Finance held at the Alcatraz 'Peak' Summit from 26 to 28 June in Italy hosted by The Oil Drum, ASPO Netherlands and ASPO Italy. Nate's presentation I witnessed this June at the informal meeting organised by and ASPO near Perugia, Italy, , is extremely interesting, if more than a little speedy. I highly recommend this presentation as it served to summarise in an hour what we had been talking about at Alcatraz for three days straight.
Umbrella View of Resource Depletion & Human Behaviour from Rembrandt Koppelaar on Vimeo.